How Cybercriminals Use AI to Power Their Attacks

Running a business is challenging enough without the added worry of cyberattacks. Unfortunately, hackers are now using artificial intelligence (AI) to launch sophisticated attacks that can steal your data and disrupt operations.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to protect your business. This blog will explain how AI is used in cybercrime and how you can safeguard your business against these threats.

How Hackers Use AI

Here are some of the ways cybercriminals are exploiting AI:

AI-powered password cracking: With the alarming ease that AI provides, cybercriminals can effortlessly crack common and easy passwords. Hackers with access to advanced computation offered by AI can automate the breaching process, trying millions of combinations to guess your password in seconds.  

How to fight back: Always use unique passwords. Consider using a password manager.

AI-assisted hacking: Hackers no longer have to spend hours looking for vulnerabilities. Instead, with the help of AI, they can create automated programs that identify weaknesses in your system and create new types of malware.

How to stay ahead: Update your security systems and software. Establish a mandate to scan for vulnerabilities routinely.

Deepfakes: Hackers use AI to create realistic fake videos or audio recordings to impersonate someone you know, like your boss or a trusted friend. These deepfakes can be used to trick you into sending money or sharing sensitive information.

How to spot it: Closely look for details like unnatural facial movements or sloppy voice synchronization.

Supply chain attacks: Threat actors use AI to insert malicious code into legitimate vendor products, eventually compromising your system.  

How to protect yourself: Only download software from trusted sources. Always be vigilant with updates and patches.

Boost your defenses 

AI-powered cybercrime is a growing threat. That’s why having a strong IT partner by your side can be the ultimate weapon in your arsenal—partner with us to leverage advanced technology to fortify your defenses. 

Contact us today for a free consultation and learn how our team can secure your business against evolving cyber risks.