Cyber Incident Prevention Best Practices

Organizations of all sizes are vulnerable to cybercrime. Although the media tends to focus on attacks against large businesses, small and medium-sized businesses are also prime targets for cybercriminals. Don’t assume that your organization is too insignificant to be a target – all businesses are at risk.

Follow these cyber incident prevention best practices

While there is no silver bullet for preventing all incidents, some best practices can help reduce the risk of falling victim to a cyberattack.

1 – Ensure your cybersecurity policy supports remote work.

When implementing a cybersecurity policy supporting remote work, consider the following:

  • How will employees access company resources off-site?
  • What security measures should be put in place to protect company data? 
  • How will remote employees collaborate and share data? 

As more and more employees are working remotely, it’s essential to have a cybersecurity policy that considers their needs. In addition, this policy should identify support mechanisms to help employees struggling to adjust to remote work. Considering these factors, you can create a productive, seamless, secure work environment for everyone.      

2 – Provide cybersecurity awareness training for employees

Today, more than ever, it is critical to implement a security awareness training program for employees. In addition, with the constant threat of digital attacks, businesses must do everything they can to protect themselves and be prepared.

3 – Deploy software patches

As technology advances, so do the threats to your network security. It is, therefore, crucial to keep your software up to date with the latest security patches.

There are two ways of doing this: setting your software to update automatically or manually checking for updates regularly.

 4 – Have active antivirus and antimalware protection

Many different types of antiviruses and antimalware software are available, so it is essential to choose one that is right for your company. Consider factors such as the size of your company, the type of data you need to protect, and your budget.

Once you have selected a solution, it is vital to follow through with it. One example is installing antivirus and antimalware software on your company’s computers and keeping it up to date.

5 – Implement multifactor authentication (MFA)

An extra layer of security, multifactor authentication requires users to present more than one form of identification when logging in or accessing data. Variations can be something they know (e.g., a password), have (e.g., a security token), or are (e.g., their fingerprint). As a result, implementing multifactor authentication reduces the chances of unauthorized access to data.

6 – Use a virtual private network (VPN) 

A VPN can help protect your company’s data from being accessed by unauthorized individuals. By encrypting the data, you can control who has access to it. A VPN can help prevent data breaches and protect your company’s information. When choosing a VPN provider, select one that offers robust security features.

7 – Deploy single-sign-on (SSO) and password management

The login process can be painful, especially when remembering multiple usernames and passwords. But thankfully, there’s a solution! Single sign-on systems allow users to log in to a central system and access all the other applications and systems they require. A single sign-on makes the login process much more efficient for users.

There are many benefits to using a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution, but one of the most impactful is simplifying the login process for users.

8 – Encrypt your data

Data encryption refers to transforming readable data into an unreadable format and protects information from being accessed by unauthorized individuals. Data encryption is a critical element of cybersecurity, as it helps to reduce the risk of data exposure and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

9 – Have backup and disaster recovery solutions 

Backing up your system data is key to avoiding disaster in system failure. Make sure to look into all the options available and find the best solution for your company. Then, test them regularly to ensure that your backup and disaster recovery solutions are effective.

Partner with us if you’re worried about cybersecurity for your business. We have the experience and expertise to help you build a digital fortress around your business, protecting it against potential cyber threats. Contact us today to find out more.

In addition, click here to download our checklist titled “The Secret to Responding Effectively to Cyber Incidents” for a deeper dive into the concept.