3 Technology End-of-Service Myths

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As cybercrime continues to be a significant threat, businesses must do everything possible to maintain optimal security. This challenge means keeping all software and hardware up to date. However, many companies must realize that expired software/hardware is one of the most prominent security risks hindering their success.

Using unsupported software and hardware until it doesn’t work anymore can be a severe hurdle to your organization’s daily operations and reputation.

Many myths surrounding End of Service or End of Life need to be clarified for businesses. This blog is intended to help you clear things up.

Demystifying the myths

Let’s dispel some of the most common myths.

Myth #1: End of Service means I can still use the product until it breaks
It’s essential to know the End-of-Service dates for your software and hardware, so you can plan and make sure you’re not left without support. Being in an End-of-Life or End-of-Service state means there is no longer a team working on improving the product or creating and releasing patches for new security vulnerabilities. This could leave you vulnerable to attacks and unable to use new features and capabilities that are released.

Myth #2: If it’s not broken, don’t fix (or replace) it
It’s popular to say, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” but when it comes to software and hardware, that’s not always sage advice. Failing to update your software and hardware can expose your network to security vulnerabilities, bugs, and other issues.

There are several reasons to keep your software and hardware up to date. First, newer versions are usually more stable and less prone to crashes and bugs. Plus, new updates frequently include security patches that help protect against cyberattacks. And finally, updates may include new features and enhancements that can make your life easier.

Next time you’re tempted to skip an update, remember you could be kickstarting a chain of events that’s not good for your organization.

Myth #3: End of Life means the product will no longer exist
Although the product will still be available, it will no longer receive security updates, new features, or tech support from the manufacturer. This means that it will become increasingly vulnerable to security risks and may be unable to keep up with your workload.

It also implies your IT team will find it harder to keep your IT network and devices secure from cyberthreats. If you’re using a piece of hardware or software that has reached the end of its life cycle, you should consider upgrading to a newer model or investing in a new software license.

Join hands for success

Updating your software and hardware is essential to keep your business running smoothly and avoid potential consequences. However, trying to do everything alone can be difficult and time-consuming. This is where an experienced and professional IT service provider can help.

We can support you by offering vital guidance and expertise so you can decide what steps to take to keep your IT systems running smoothly and securely. If you’re interested in learning more, feel free to reach out for a consultation.